Studio News

Workshop Saturday
Exploring the Kosas through Asana

Guest CIYT Level 3 senior teacher Mary Reilly is excited to return to Yoga Cville with an engaging workshop entitled "Exploring the Kosas through Asana." The Kosas, which represent the five layers of being, offer a profound framework for understanding ourselves on multiple levels. Throughout the various asanas practiced in this workshop, we will thoughtfully weave in the essential qualities of the first two kosas, stability and vitality, as we collectively aim to cultivate the experience of the third kosa, clarity.

To conclude our time together, we will dedicate the last thirty minutes to the practice of Pranayama, allowing us to fully integrate and embrace the transformative gifts that yoga has to offer.

>> Register for workshop on Saturday, November 2


 “I’m a longtime student of Iyengar yoga at Yoga Cville. I attended one class a week after recovering from a back injury and always received excellent advice on keeping my back safe. The teachers are highly trained and the classes are excellent! They even had a home practice series prior to the pandemic.

I consider these classes an investment in health and happiness!”