Yoga on the Ropes

2-week mini-workshop at the wall

Sunday, November 12/11:30-1:30 and Sunday, November 19/11:30-1:30

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This two-weekend mini-workshop will cover a variety of standing, sitting and inverted yoga postures using the rope wall.

The benefits of yoga Kurunta--a method by which the student practices various asana while suspended--include the release of tension and an enhanced sense of spaciousness, along with greater depth of movement into twists and inversions without weight bearing. (Kurunti is Sanskrit for "puppet.")

Because most practitioners do not have ropes at home, the instructor will also show participants how to substitute a yoga belt for the ropes.

Open to students with a year of experience practicing yoga.

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Nov. 12 workshop $40
Nov. 19 workshop $40
Complete 2-week workshop $75
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These mini-workshops will be led by Mary Bridle.  Mary is a Certified Iyengar Instructor who has been practicing yoga in the Iyengar tradition for thirty-three years.  In addition, her forty-eight years as a practicing occupational therapist provide her with a thorough understanding of how the human body, mind and spirit work, in health and in ill health. Mary’s experience working with people of all ages with a wide variety of challenges including injury and disease, acute and chronic, orthopedic, neurological, psychiatric and psychosocial, gives her a profound appreciation of human resilience and capacity for healing.

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